KIndy Beats Logo_Final (1) - Copy.png



Age Group Structure

Kindy Beats runs dance classes for children aged 2 years-6years. We have 2 levels; 2-3 year olds and 4-6 year olds. 

Our program is age specific to ensure movement, skills and content are relevant to each child who participates in Kindy Beats.

Class Structure

The duration of each session is 30 minutes with our aim being ‘to keep the children moving and engaged’ for the entirety. Each week children explore a new theme, set a new goal and learn a brand new dance. This provides children the opportunity to explore their imagination and creativity along with associating learning with their current interests.

Below is our class structure;

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Learning Outcomes

Each student who attends a Kindy Beats session will work towards achieving the 

following each week;

  • Cooperation

  • Coordination

  • Enthusiasm towards new activities

  • Teamwork

  • Ability to follow instructions

  • Risk taking

  • A set skill/goal for each week- for example, balancing

The Kindy Beats program works in line with the Early Years Learning Framework. Each session explores a range of different outcomes and fosters each child BEING who they are, BELONGING to their community and BECOMING who they desire to be.